AI Humanoid Robot Developed by BTU

An AI-supported social humanoid robot named "Moria" has been developed by academics at Bursa Technical University (BTÜ). As a first in Türkiye's academic field, the robot currently performs functions such as communicating with humans, answering questions, and recognizing faces and individuals.

The AI-supported humanoid social robot project was initiated at the Bursa Technical University Robot Technologies and Intelligent Systems Application and Research Center. The robot was developed by project leader Dr. Nurettin Gökhan Adar and assistant researcher Dr. Mustafa Özden from the Mechatronics Engineering Department. A team of undergraduate and graduate students from the Mechatronics, Electrical-Electronics, and Mechanical Engineering departments was formed for the design, manufacturing, and software work packages of the robot. The project, which began in February, marks a first in Türkiye's academic field. The AI-supported social mobile humanoid robot was also presented to the President of the Council of Higher Education (YÖK), Prof. Dr. Erol Özvar. The robot's design, manufacturing, and software are all completed within BTÜ.

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22 August 2024