

“Kayış Tahrikli Asansör Çekiş Makinesinin Tasarımı ve Üretimi: Çift Taraflı Kayış Sisteminin Modellenmesi”,

“Design Optimization of PM Synchronous Motor: Rail Mounted Belt Drive Elevator Systems”,
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2024

“Analysis of the Effect of Switching Frequency on Acoustic Noise in External Rotor Brushless DC Motors”,
Balkan Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering, 2024

Gökhan GELEN, Yasemin İÇMEZ,
“Task Planning and Formal Control of Robotic Assembly Systems: A Petri Net-Based Approach”,
Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 2024,

Hüseyin ERGİN, Mücahit Engin KARADENİZ, Gökhan GELEN,
“Servo Control Design and Application for Ayran Packaging Line Capping Unit”,
3rd International Paris Congress on Applied Sciences

İlhan TUNÇ, Atakan Yasin YEŞİLYURT, Zeynep GÜMÜŞ, Koralp SERT, Ali Osman KÖROĞLU, Mehmet Turan SÖYLEMEZ,
“A Platoon Ordering Algorithm On Reservation Based Intersection Management Systems”,

Mehmet Onur GENÇ,
“Suspension System Design for Pedal-Assisted Cargo E-Quadricycle”,
International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, 2024,

Adem AVCI, Mustafa KOCAKULAK, Nurettin ACIR, Emrah GÜNEŞ, Sertan TURAN,
“A Study On the Monitoring of Weld Quality Using XGBoost with Particle Swarm Optimization”,
Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 2024,

“RRT ve RRT* Algoritmalarının Parametre Değişimlerinin Hareket Planlamaya Etkisi Üzerine Bir İnceleme”,
5th International Bursa Scientific Researchs Congress, 2024

Melike BEYAZLI, Sümeyye ALP, Görkem Burak TAŞKIN, Zeynep IŞIK, Oğuz MISIR (16.03.2024-17.03.2024),
“Development of Autonomous Mobile Robot with Four-Wheeled Payload Carrying Capability”,
4. Uluslararası Ege Bilimsel Araştırmalar Sempozyumu (UEBAS’24), 2024


“External Rotor Gearless Elevator Machine: A New Design with Flanged Shaft”,
Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2023,

“Raya Montajlı Kayışlı Asansör Makinesinin Kuyu Statik Analizleri”,
Gaziosmanpaşa Bilimsel Araştırma Dergisi (GBAD), 2023

Ahmet FENERCİOĞLU, Dağhan ATAKAY, Emre PINARBAŞI (23.11.2023),
“Fırçasız DA Motorlu Bir Pompada Halka Ferrit Mıknatıs Kullanımının Maliyet, Üretilebilirlik ve Performans Açısından Değerlendirilmesi”,

Tuğba BOZKURT, Ahmet FENERCİOĞLU (08.09.2023-09.09.2023),
“Fırçasız DA Motorlu Bir Pompada Halka Ferrit Mıknatıs Kullanımının Maliyet, Üretilebilirlik ve Performans Açısından Değerlendirilmesi”,
International Symposium on Automotive Science and Technology, 2023

Buğra ER, Ahmet FENERCİOĞLU (03.06.2023-04.06.2023),
“Güç Elektroniği Uygulamalarında Kullanılan Mosfet’ler İçin Otomotiv Standartları ve Verimlilik İyileştirmeleri”, 4th International “Artemis”,
Congress on Life, Engineering, and Applied Sciences, 2023

Buğra ER, Samet ALTUNDAĞ, Ahmet FENERCİOĞLU (29.04.2023-30.04.2023),
“Otobüs İklimlendirme Sistemlerinin Kontrolünün İncelenmesi”,
13TH International Istanbul Scientific Research Congress on Life, Engineering, AND Applied Sciences, 2023

Ahmet MERT,
“Enhanced Dataset Synthesis Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks”,
Biomedical Engineering Letters, 2023,

Ahmet MERT,
“Lightweight Deep Neural Network Models for Electromyography Signal Recognition for Prosthetic Control”,
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, 2023,

Ahmet MERT,
“Modality Encoded Latent Dataset for Emotion Recognition”,
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2023,

Ali YILDIZ, Nurettin Gökhan ADAR, Ahmet MERT,
“Convolutional Neural Network Based Hand Gesture Recognition in Sophisticated Background for Humanoid Robot Control”,
The International Arab Journal of Information Technology, 2023,

Volkan İNCE, Ahmet MERT (16.02.2023-17.02.2023),
“Evrişimsel Sinir Ağları Kullanarak Bitkilerin Sulama İhtiyacının Tespiti”,
International Euroasia Congress on Scientific Researches and Recent Trends-10, 2023

Ahmet MERT, Beyza Sena ŞAHIN (06.06.2023-07.03.2023),
“Yeniden Yapılandırılabilir Gripper Tasarımı ve Endüstriyel Montaj Alanında İncelenmesi”,
4th International Black Sea Modern Scientific Research Congress, 2023

Serkan ANLAK, Ekrem DÜVEN,
“Improving Endpoint Position Control in Hydraulic Testing Machines with a Fuzzy Logic Based Approach”,
Journal of Advanced Research in Natural and Applied Sciences, 2023

Ekrem DÜVEN, Serkan ANLAK (09.06.2023),
“Hidrolik Test Makinelerinde Tekrarlanan Hareketler İçin Pozisyon Doğruluğunun İyileştirilmesi”,
Uluslararası Marmara Fen Bilimleri Kongresi-IMASCON 2023

Gökhan GELEN, Murat UZAM,
“Computation of The Number of Legal States for Petri Net-Based Deadlock Prevention Problems”,
Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences, 2023,

Hüseyin ERGİN, Yasin KAYA, Gökhan GELEN (27.07.2023),
“A Novel Rectangular Nozzle Design and motion control to Increase the Speed of Yogurt Filling Machines”,
IV. International Science and Innovation Congress

İlhan TUNÇ, Mehmet Turan SÖYLEMEZ,
“Fuzzy Logic and Deep Q Learning Based Control for Traffic Lights”,

Ali Aras FIRAT, Ahmet Fatih OLGUNÖZ, İlhan TUNÇ, Mehmet Turan SÖYLEMEZ (14.09.2023-16.09.2023),
“Derin Q Öğrenmeye Dayalı Akıllı Trafik Sinyal Kontrol Stratejileri Intelligent Traffic Signal Control Strategies Based on Deep Q Learning”,
TOK’2023 24. Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı, 2023

Furkan GÜNEY, Hasan YILDIZ, Hilal ÇORUH, İlhan TUNÇ, Mehmet Turan SÖYLEMEZ (14.09.2023-16.09.2023),
“Derin Q-Öğrenimi ile Acil Durum Araçlarının Kontrolü Control of Emergency Vehicles with Deep Q-Learning”,
TOK’2023 24. Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı, 2023

İsmail ÖZTÜRK, Tayfun BAŞKARA,
“B-Pillar Design Optimization Under a Crushing Load”,
Materials Testing, 2023,

İsmail ÖZTÜRK,
“Crushing Performance and Optimization of Bio-Inspired Multi-Cell Columns”,
Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2023,

Mehmet Onur GENÇ,
“Development of A Digital Twin Model for Electric Bikes Based on Urban Experimental Driving İn Full Electric Mode”,
Journal of Mechanical Scıence and Technology, 2023,

Mehmet Onur GENÇ, ÇAĞLAR İMER (24.12.2023),
“Impulse Shock Effect Analysis of Vehicle Curb Crash on Double Mass Flywheel”,
12th International Congress on Engineering, Architecture, and Design

Mehmet Onur GENÇ (14.01.2023),
“Development of Powertrain System Model for Electric Bicycles Having Hub Motor”,
3rd International Conference on Engineering and Applied Natural Sciences

Mehmet Onur GENÇ, Murat IŞIK (24.12.2023),
“Experimental Investigation of Transmissibility Effects on NVH Performance in Vehicle HVAC System”,
3rd International Conference on Scientific and Academic Research

Alper EMLEK, Murat PEKER,
“P3SNet: Parallel Pyramid Pooling Stereo Network”,
IEEE Transactions On Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2023,

Nurten ÖZKAN, Neslihan DOĞAN SAĞLAMTİMUR, Murat PEKER (24.06.2023-26.06.2023),
“Preliminary Results for Smart Waste Bin Production”,
VIII. International New York Academic Research Congress on Life, Engineering, and Applied Sciences, 2023

Neslihan DOĞAN SAĞLAMTİMUR, Murat PEKER (09.12.2023-11.12.2023),
“Preliminary Results for Smart Waste Classification Module”,
15th International İstanbul Scientific Research Congress On Life, Engineering, And Applied Sciences, 2023

Mustafa KOCAKULAK, Adem AVCI, Nurettin ACIR,
“Automated Vein Verification Using Self-Attention-Based Convolutional Neural Networks”,
Expert Systems with Applications, 2023,

Mustafa KOCAKULAK, Nurettin ACIR,
“A Contactless Palmprint Imaging System Design Using MediaPipe Hands”,
Journal of Innovative Science and Engineering (JISE), 2023,

Ayberk BEYHAN, Nurettin Gökhan ADAR,
“Modeling and Real-Time Cartesian Impedance Control of 3-DOF Robotic Arm in Contact with the Surface”,

Ali YILDIZ, Nurettin Gökhan ADAR, Ahmet MERT,
“Convolutional Neural Network Based Hand Gesture Recognition in Sophisticated Background for Humanoid Robot Control”,

“Dynamic Local Path Planning Method Based on Neutrosophic Set Theory for A Mobile Robot”,
ournal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 2023,

Oğuz MISIR (27.10.2023-29.10.2023),
“Examination of The Real-Time Performance of the U-Net Segmentation Model”,
ASES International Bandırma Scientific Studies Conference, 2023

Saffet VATANSEVER, Ahmet Emir DİRİK, Nasir MEMON,
“The Effect of Inverse Square Law of Light on ENF in Videos Exposed by Rolling Shutter”,
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2023,

“A Thorough Investigation into the ENF Reconstruction in Videos Exposed by Rolling Shutter”,
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2023,

“Ses Dosyalarının ENF Tabanlı Adli Analizine Kısa Zamanlı Fourier Dönüşümü Parametre Seçimlerinin Etkisi”,
Bandırma Onyedi Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri ve Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2023,

“Farklı çözünürlükteki sayısal imge ve videolar için PRNU tabanlı kaynak kamera tespiti üzerine bir çalışma”,
Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 2023,

Seyfullah GÜNEŞ, Saffet VATANSEVER (11.10.2023-13.10.2023),
“A Survey of Source Camera Attribution Applications Using PRNU”,
ASYU 2023-Akıllı Sistemlerde Yenilikler ve Uygulamaları Konferansı, 2023

Seyfullah GÜNEŞ, Saffet VATANSEVER (08.06.2023-10.06.2023),
“Medya Adli Bilişiminde Elekrik Şebeke Frekansına (Enf) Dayalı Uygulamaların İncelenmesi”,
5th International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications (HORA), 2023

"Deep Learning Based Growth Analysis and Disease Detection in Strawberry Cultivation",
2023 Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications Conference (ASYU)


Ahmet FENERCİOĞLU, Mücahit SOYASLAN, Yusuf AVŞAR, Feyyaz SARIHAN, Dağhan ATAKAY, Feyyaz SARIHAN (10.11.2022),
“Halatlı ve Kayışlı Sistemlerde Kullanılan Asansör Motorlarının Performans Değerlendirmesi”,
4th International Conference on Applied Engineering and Natural Sciences ICAENS2022

Ahmet MERT, Eren Bariş ALICI (20.12.2022-21.12.2022),
“A Review into Generative Adversarial Network”,
1st International Conference on Engineering, Natural and Social Sciences, 2022

Fatih DURSUN, Gökhan GELEN,
“Düşük Çözünürlüklü Resimlerden Göz Merkezi Belirleme ve İris Yarıçapı Kestirimi için İyileştirilmiş Bir Algoritma”,
El-Cezeri: Journal of Science and Engineering, 2022,

Duygu HELVACI, Emin SEZGIN, GÖKHAN GELEN (09.06.2022-10.06.2022),
“A Smart Seat Design for Long-Distance Buses: Tech Seat”,
III. International Science and Innovation Congress, 2022

Ali Ogün SARP, Engin Cemal MENGÜÇ, Murat PEKER, Buket ÇOLAK GÜVENÇ,
“Data-Adaptive Censoring for Short-Term Wind Speed Predictors Based on MLP, RNN, and SVM”,

Alper EMLEK, Murat PEKER (23.06.2022-24.06.2022),
“Arındırılmış Görüntüler ile Yaya Tespiti için Derinlik Bazlı Uyarlanabilir Parametre Seçimi”,
IV. International Turkic World Congress on Science and Engineering, 2022

Mustafa KOCAKULAK, Nurettin ACIR (15.05.2022-18.05.2022),
“Dynamic ROI Extraction for Palmprints using MediaPipe Hands”,
30th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), 2022

Kays FERATI, Nurettin Gökhan ADAR,
“Prediction of Displacement and Stress Values of Composite Materials Under Load with Machine Learning Models”,
European Journal of Science and Technology, 2022,

Hüseyin Can GÜRSOY, Nurettin Gökhan ADAR,
“Image Based Control of 2-Dof Ball Balancing System”,
Journal of Innovative Science and Engineering (JISE), 2022,

Kays FERATI, Nurettin Gökhan ADAR (15.10.2022-18.10.2022),
“Makine Öğrenmesi ile Kompozit Malzemelerin Yük Altındaki Yer Değiştirme ve Gerilme Değerlerinin Tahmini”,
2nd International Conference on Engineering and Applied Natural Sciences, 2022

Oğuz MISIR, Mehmet AKAR,
“Efficiency and Core Loss Map Estimation with Machine Learning Based Multivariate Polynomial Regression Model”,

Oğuz MISIR, Muhammed ÇELİK, Levent GÖKREM,
“Waypoint-Based Path Tracking Approach for Self-Organized Swarm Robots”,
Uluslararası Mühendislik Araştırma ve Geliştirme Dergisi, 2022,

Oğuz MISIR (09.06.2022-12.06.2022),
“Visual-Based Obstacle Avoidance Using an Advanced Deep Learning Network Method for Mobile Robots”,
III. International Science and Innovation Congress, 2022

Saffet VATANSEVER, Ahmet Emir DİRİK, Nasir MEMON,
“ENF Based Robust Media Time-Stamping”,
IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2022,

Mustafa KORKMAZ, Saffet VATANSEVER (08.12.2022-10.12.2022),
“Videolardan Kalp Atış Hızı Kestirimi Üzerine Bir İnceleme”,
6th International Symposium on Innovative Approaches in Smart Technologies (ISAS) 2022, 2022


“Santrifuj Pompa için Eddy Akımlı Manyetik Kavramanın Sonlu Elemanlar Analizi”,
Journal of New Results in Engineering and Natural Sciences, 2021

Ahmet FENERCİOĞLU, Merve ŞEN KURT, Altan ŞAHİN, Hüseyin Zafer KELEŞ, Tuba KOCAER,
“Effect of rotor geometry on performance of 6/4 switched Effect of rotor geometry on performance of 6/4 switched reluctance motors reluctance motors”,
Dicle Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Mühendislik Dergisi, 2021

“FV Panel Temizliği için Doğrusal Motor ve Mekanizma Tasarımı”,
Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 2021,

Yusuf AVŞAR, Ahmet FENERCİOĞLU, Mücahit SOYASLAN (24.09.2021-26.09.2021),
“Design Optimization of PM Synchronous Motor Used in Belt Drive Elevator Systems”,
2021 IEEE 4th International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON), 2021

Ahmet Remzi ÖZCAN, Ahmet MERT,
“Low-Cost Android Based Tele-Monitoring System for Body Temperature Measurement”,
Journal of Innovative Science and Engineering (JISE), 2021,

Atakan Yasin YEŞİLYURT, İlhan TUNÇ, Mehmet Turan SÖYLEMEZ (08.06.2021-10.06.2021),
“A Reservation Method for Multi-Agent System Intersection Management with Energy Consumption Considerations”,
16th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems CTS 2021, 2021

İlhan TUNÇ, Ali Osman KÖROĞLU, Ali Emre EDEM, Serra Nur AKMEŞE, Özge ELMAS, Mehmet Turan SÖYLEMEZ (22.06.2021-24.06.2021),
“Traffic Light Control for Multi Intersection Model in İstanbul/Altunizade”,
29th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED 2021), 2021

Alper EMLEK, Murat PEKER,
“Refinement of Matching Costs for Stereo Disparities Using Recurrent Neural Networks”,
EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, 2021,

Alper EMLEK, Murat PEKER (09.06.2021-11.06.2021),
“Horizontal Attention Convolution Layer for Stereo Matching”,
29th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), 2021

Gürkan AYDEMİR, Gürkan AYDEMİR, Oğuzhan KURNAZ, Tahir BEKİRYAZICI, Adem AVCI, Mustafa KOCAKULAK (25.11.2021-27.11.2021),
“Driver Drowsiness Detection Using MobileNets and Long Short-term Memory”,
13th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ELECO), 2021

Özge ŞAHİN ÇETİN, Nurettin Gökhan ADAR, Muaz KEMERLİ, Naci ÇAĞLAR, İsmail ŞAHİN, Zekeriya PARLAK, Salih KÜKREK, Tahsin ENGİN,
“A Comparative Evaluation of Semi-Active Control Algorithms for Real-Time Seismic Protection of Buildings via Magnetorheological Fluid Dampers”,
Journal of Building Engineering, 2021,

Nurettin Gökhan ADAR,
“Real Time Control Application of the Robotic Arm Using Neural Network Based Inverse Kinematics Solution”,
Sakarya University Journal of Science, 2021,

Oğuz MISIR, Levent GÖKREM,
“Flocking-Based Self-Organized Aggregation Behavior Method for Swarm Robotics”,
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Electrical Engineering, 2021,

Oğuz MISIR, Levent GÖKREM,
“Dynamic Interactive Self Organizing Aggregation Method in Swarm Robots”,

Gürkan AYDEMİR, Oğuzhan KURNAZ, Tahir BEKİRYAZICI, Adem AVCI, Mustafa KOCAKULAK (25.11.2021),
“Driver Drowsiness Detection using MobileNets and Long Short-term Memory”,
13th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engıneering

Oğuzhan KURNAZ, Cemal HANİLÇİ (25.02.2021-26.02.2021),
“Multi-İmage Crowd Counting Using Multi-Column Convolutional Neural Network”,
Sixth International Congress on Information and Communication Technology (ICICT 2021), 2021


“Effect of The Variable Resistance Rotor Slot Design on The Performance of the Single-Phase Asynchronous Motor (SPAM)”,
Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences, 2020

Ahmet FENERCİOĞLU, Yusuf AVŞAR (27.01.2020-30.01.2020),
“Finite Element Analysis of Eddy Current Actuator for Linear Motion”,
2020 27th International Workshop on Electric Drives: MPEI Department of Electric Drives 90th Anniversary (IWED), 2020

Fatih ONAY, Ahmet MERT,
“Phasor Represented EMG Feature Extraction Against Varying Contraction Level of Prosthetic Control”,
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2020,

Fatih ONAY, Ahmet MERT,
“Değişken Kuvvetli EMG Sinyallerinin Çok Değişkenli Görgül Kip Ayrışımı İle Analizi Ve Sınıflandırılması”,
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Pure Sciences, 2020

Fatih ONAY, Ahmet MERT (19.11.2020-20.11.2020),
“Amputee Electromyography Signal Classification Using Convolutional Neural Network”,
2020 Medical Technologies Congress (TIPTEKNO), 2020

Ahmet Remzi ÖZCAN, Ahmet Vedat TAVŞANOĞLU,
“Optimization of Pedestrian Detection System Using FPGA-CPU Hybrid Implementation for Vehicle Industry”,
International Journal of Vehicle Design, 2020,

Ayetül GELEN, Gökhan GELEN, Aykut BIÇAK,
“Supervisory Controller Design for Reactive Power Compensation”,
European Journal of Science and Technology, 2020,

İlhan TUNÇ, Mehmet Turan SÖYLEMEZ (27.04.2020-30.04.2020),
“Intelligent Intersection Management Using Fuzzy Logic Control and PI Control”,
Transport Research Arena 2020 (TRA 2020), 2020

İlhan TUNÇ, Mehmet Turan SÖYLEMEZ (15.09.2020-18.09.2020),
“State Feedback Control for Intelligent Traffic Light Systems”,
2020 28th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), 2020

Mehmet Onur GENÇ, Necmettin KAYA,
“Design and Verification of Elastomer Spring Damping System for Automobile Powertrain Systems”,
Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 2020

“Investigation of Clutch Hub Strength with Various Geometries under Variable Torque Conditions”,
Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences, 2020

Mehmet Onur GENÇ, Alper KARADUMAN,
“Investigation the Modeling of Genetic Algorithm based Vehicle Powertrain System Optimization”,
Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences, 2020

Mehmet Onur GENÇ, Necmettin KAYA,
“Vibration Damping Optimization Using Simulated Annealing Algorithm for Vehicle Powertrain System”,
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, 2020

Alper EMLEK, Murat PEKER,
“Evrişimli Sinir Ağı Tabanlı Derinlik Haritası İyileştirme”,
Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 2020,

İzzet Fatih ŞENTÜRK, Nurettin Gökhan ADAR, Stefan PANIC, Caslav STEFANOVIC, Mete YAĞANOĞLU, Bojan PRILINEVIC,
“COVID-19 Risk Assessment in Public Transport Using Ambient Sensor Data and Wireless Communications”,
Bulletin of Natural Sciences Research, 2020

Ayberk BEYHAN, Nurettin Gökhan ADAR,
“Real-Time Vision-Based Grasping Randomly Placed Object by Low-Cost Robotic Arm Using Surf Algorithm”,
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020

Oğuz MISIR, Levent GÖKREM, Mehmet Serhat CAN,
“Fuzzy-based self-organizing aggregation method for swarm robots”,

Oğuz MISIR, Levent GÖKREM,
“Nesnelerin İnterneti için MQTT ile Hiyerarşik Haberleşme”,
Journal of New Results in Engineering and Natural Sciences, 2020

Oğuz MISIR, Levent GÖKREM,
“Sürü Robotları için Esnek ve Ölçeklenebilir Toplanma Davranışı Metodu”,
European Journal of Science and Technology, 2020,

Oğuz MISIR, Levent GÖKREM (26.06.2020-26.06.2020),
“Flexible and Scalable Aggregation Behavior Method for Swarm Robots”,
2nd International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications, 2020

Oğuzhan KURNAZ, Cemal HANİLÇİ (20.04.2020-22.04.2020),
“Çok Sütunlu Derin Sinir Ağları Kullanarak Çok İmgeli Kalabalık Yoğunluk Kestirimi”,
Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), 2020


Mücahit SOYASLAN, Yusuf AVŞAR, Ahmet FENERCİOĞLU, Osman ELDOĞAN (11.10.2019-13.10.2019),
“Cogging Torque Reduction in External Rotor PM Synchronous Motors by Optimum Pole Embrace”,
2019 3rd International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies (ISMSIT), 2019

Ahmet FENERCİOĞLU, Merve ŞEN KURT, Altan ŞAHİN, Hüseyin Zafer KELEŞ (14.11.2019-16.11.2019),
“6/4 Kutuplu Anahtarlamalı Relüktans Motorlarda Farklı Rotor Tasarımlarının Etkileri”,
EEMKON2019, 2019

Ahmet Remzi ÖZCAN, Sarp ERTÜRK,
“Seizure Prediction in Scalp EEG Using 3D Convolutional Neural Networks with an Image-Based Approach”,
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2019

Furkan DUMAN, Ekrem DÜVEN,
“Bir Endüstriyel Robotun Kafessiz Çalışmasını Sağlayacak Görüntü Tabanlı Güvenlik Sisteminin Geliştirilmesi”,
Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi, 2019

Gökhan GELEN, Sinan ÖZCAN,
“Providing the Human-Robot İnteraction with Biomimetic Approach”,
Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences, 2019,

Mustafa ÇOBAN, Özgür Turay KAYMAKÇI, Gökhan GELEN (11.10.2019-13.10.2019),
“Reliability Analysis of Assembly Processes Performed by Human-Robot Interaction”,
2019 3rd International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies (ISMSIT), 2019

İlhan TUNÇ, Atakan Yasin YEŞİLYURT, Mehmet Turan SÖYLEMEZ (28.11.2019-30.11.2019),
“Intelligent Traffic Light Control System Simulation for Different Strategies with Fuzzy Logic Controller”,
2019 11th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ELECO), 2019

İlhan TUNÇ, Mehmet Turan SÖYLEMEZ (11.09.2019-14.09.2019),
“Kavşak Yönetiminde Bulanık Mantık ve PI Kontrol Yöntemlerinin Benzetimi”,
TOK 2019, 2019

İsmail ÖZTÜRK (05.09.2019-06.09.2019),
“Comparison of Crash Performance of Vehicle Front Bumper Beams Designed from Advanced High Strength Steel Materials”,
International Symposium on Automotive Science and Technology, 2019

Mehmet Onur GENÇ, Alper KARADUMAN,
“Optimization of Belleville Spring by Inspecting Parameter Impacts”,
International Journal of Automotive Science and Technology, 2019

Necmettin KAYA, Mehmet Onur GENÇ (01.11.2019-06.11.2019),
“Design Optimization of a Beam Structure of Machine Tools”,
ASME IMECE 2019, 2019

Mehmet Onur GENÇ, Süleyman KONAKÇI, Necmettin KAYA (01.11.2019),
“Experimental Verification of Rubber Clutch Spring Damper Torque Behavior in Time-Dependent Manner and System Optimization Using Simulated Annealing Algorithm Integrated with 1-D Modeling”,
ASME IMECE 2019, 2019

Cihat GÜL, Mehmet Onur GENÇ, Ali DURMUŞ (01.04.2019),
“Shock Strength Investigation of Sintered Clutch Disc Hub Experimentally with Modified Charpy Test Bench”,

Mehmet Onur GENÇ, Süleyman KONAKÇI, Necmettin KAYA (01.04.2019),
“1-D Modeling of Rubber Clutch Damper at Time-Based Level for Powertrain System”,

Murat PEKER (12.06.2019-15.06.2019),
“Comparison of Tensorflow Object Detection Networks for License Plate Localization”,
2019 1st Global Power, Energy and Communication Conference (GPECOM), 2019

Dilara GÜMÜŞBAŞ, Donida LABATI, Tülay YILDIRIM, Mustafa KOCAKULAK, Nurettin ACIR (06.12.2019-09.12.2019),
“Capsule Network for Finger-Vein-based Biometric Identification”,
2019 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (IEEE SSCI 2019), 2019

Adem AVCI, Mustafa KOCAKULAK, Nurettin ACIR (28.11.2019-30.11.2019),
“Convolutional Neural Network Designs for Finger-Vein-Based Biometric Identification”,
11th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ELECO 2019), 2019

Ayberk BEYHAN, Nurettin Gökhan ADAR (28.11.2019-30.11.2019),
“Detailed Kinematic Analysis and Real-Time Application of the 4-DOF Low Cost Robotic Arm”,
11th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2019

Kağan Koray AYTEN, Oğuzhan KURNAZ,
“Real-Time Implementation of Image Based PLC Control for a Robotic Platform”,
Balkan Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2019,

Oğuzhan KURNAZ, Cemal HANİLÇİ (28.11.2019-30.11.2019),
“Features and Regression Techniques for Crowd Density Estimation: A Comparison”,
2019 11th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ELECO), 2019

Saffet VATANSEVER, Ahmet Emir DİRİK, Nasir MEMON,
“Analysis of Rolling Shutter Effect on ENF-based Video Forensics”,
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2019,

Saffet VATANSEVER, Ahmet Emir DİRİK, Nasir MEMON (12.05.2019-17.05.2019),
“Factors Affecting Enf Based Time-Of-Recording Estimation for Video”,
ICASSP 2019-2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2019

Selma YILMAZYILDIZ KAYAARMA, Sherik LEHAL, Hichem SAHLI (06.11.2019-08.11.2019),
“Politeness Detection in Speech for Human-Computer Interaction”,
31th Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC 2019), 2019